Tag Archives: Southwark Council

‘Colour Thief’ steals Fawkes’ thunder (and fireworks)

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot…

Well, apparently Southwark Council have a reason!

They are perpetuating the ridiculous farce that is ‘Political Correctness Gone Mad’, after deciding to evade any reference to the terms Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night on… erm… Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night. They are, instead, hosting *ahem* “The Colour Thief: A Winter Extravaganza Celebrating The Change of the Seasons” on November 4.

Are they throwing a curveball by hosting the event on the fourth, instead of the fifth, in a bid to bypass some sort of semantic technicality?

The event is due to take place in Duwich Park, southeast London, and cost around £55,000. The council are promising: “an outdoor spectacle to lift the spirits and warm us into winter,”… and, seemingly, circumvent any admission of the government angst displayed by Mister Fawkes, nor the graphic ‘hung, drawn and quartered’ punishment he received for his treason.

It is, originally, a celebration that King James survived this attempt on his life. Like plenty of national holidays, the celebrations now lack much of their original purpose – and are largely an excuse to communally celebrate with fireworks and bonfires. The religious (anti-Catholic) overtones are done away with, as effigies of the Pope were once burned, but modern times see Guy Fawkes’ effigy used instead. So the political correctness of the Southwark celebrations seems invalid and overly sensitive.

It is a very peculiar coincidence that this hour-long ‘Winter Extravaganza’ falls on Guy Fawkes weekend, anyway.

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